30.7 Salary Anomaly Adjustment:
30.7.1 The Parties agree to establish a bilateral committee composed of three (3) representatives of the University and three (3) representatives of the Association to review salary anomalies and identify gender-based salary differentials within the Bargaining Unit. At least one (1) member of the committee shall have knowledge of performing statistical analyses. The committee shall be constituted within forty (40) days of the ratification of the agreement. The committee shall base its review on the Reference Salaries of Members as of July 1, 2014, and shall establish its own method for conducting the review. The committee shall report to the University and the Association by June 30, 2015, and the report shall identify Members whose salaries are anomalous, the amount of the recommended adjustment in each case, and the total expenditure for the Anomaly Adjustments. The University shall make the recommended salary anomaly adjustments in the July, 2015 pay.
30.7.2 The Anomalies Adjustments to Members’ Reference Salaries shall be retroactive to July 1, 2014. For this purpose, there shall be a fund of $25,000. In addition, to assist in addressing internal anomalies, a one-time allocation of base funds of $50,000 will be available during the 2014-2017 Agreement. Any moneys in this fund which are not allocated for anomaly adjustments shall be placed in the Vice-President: Academic’s academic development fund. If the committee finds that the fund is inadequate to rectify all the anomalies identified, it shall report to the Joint Liaison Committee giving the names and salaries of Members whose salaries are identified as anomalous, its recommendations for adjustments, and the amount of money required to meet all the identified anomalies.