6.3 The University shall provide the Association with the following information:
(a) no later than 20 days after the first day of each Contract Year, a list containing the name, category of appointment, rank, year of appointment to current rank, birthdate, address, Reference Salary, sex, department, highest degree, year of highest degree, year of first degree, and University I.D. number of each Member;
(b) the names of all Members whose employment has been terminated, the dates of such terminations, and the categories of termination such as expiration of a contract, death, resignation, retirement and dismissal, within 30 days of termination;
(c) the names and new ranks of Members who have received promotions, and the effective dates of such promotions, by January 15 and July 1, annually;
(d) within 30 days after the first day of each Contract Year, a list of all Members granted leave for the present contract year or part thereof and the type of leave granted;
(e) approved minutes of the Board Pension Committee, and the audited and other reports concerning the pension and benefit plans;
(f) two copies of the latest University budget and budget report when circulated to the Board;
(g) two copies of the annual audited statement of the University when presented to the Board of Governors;
(h) notice of meetings, agenda and a copy of the public minutes of the Board at the time of distribution;
(i) notice of meetings, agenda and a copy of the public minutes of the Senate at the time of distribution;
(j) the names of all persons appointed or elected to positions on the Board or Senate, together with the names of persons appointed or elected to Board or Senate committees with any terms of reference of those committees. The University Secretariat office shall forward Association communications in hard copy and unopened within three (3) working days of receipt; decisions not to forward Association materials shall be communicated to the Association immediately in writing, noting the reasons;
(k) the reports on Employment Equity listed in 22.5;
(l) two copies of the latest Institutional Data and Statistics Book prepared by the Office of Institutional Research;
(m) the Registrar’s Report on student enrolment;
(n) such other information as may be set out elsewhere in this Agreement that is required to be given.