Constitution – 8. MEETINGS


8.1 Annual and General Meetings:

8.1.1 The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held no later than April 20th of each year.

8.1.2 General Meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive or upon petition by twenty (20) or more members of the Association. Such petitions must be submitted in writing to the Executive who shall call a meeting within ten (10) working days of receipt of the petition.

8.1.3 Notice with agenda of at least five (5) working days shall be given for all such meetings of the Association.

8.1.4 Fifty (50) regular members shall constitute a quorum at such meetings of the Association.

8.2 Special Meetings:

8.2.1 Special meetings to consider specifically a matter of exceptional urgency may be called by the Executive or upon the petition by twenty (20) or more members of the Association, as described in 8.1.2, without the requirement of the five (5) working day notice to members, provided that an alternative form of notice is made.

8.2.2 Fifty (50) regular members shall constitute a quorum at such meetings of the Association.

8.3 Voting:

8.3.1 Voting on resolutions and motions shall be by show of hands of those voting, or by secret ballot at the request of a member at the meeting.

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