9.1 On or before February 15th of each year, the Executive shall appoint a
Nominations and Elections Committee and choose a date for the Annual Meeting.
An election for President shall be held at least three (3) weeks prior to the Annual
Meeting and an election for the remainder of the Executive shall be held prior to the Annual Meeting. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall determine the form for any notices and requests for nominations and the manner of distribution of ballots (whether by mail, email or otherwise).
9.2 Election Procedures:
9.2.1 Voting shall be by secret ballot (the manner of submission of such ballots, whether by mail, email or otherwise shall be determined by the Nominations and Elections Committee), with all elections supervised by the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee. Ballots shall be distributed to regular members at the start of each voting period and each voting period shall include at least five (5) working days.
9.2.2 In the event of a tie on any ballot, the Chair of the Nominations and
Elections Committee shall conduct a coin toss with the candidates or representatives of the candidates present to select the winning candidate.
9.2.3 Election of President:
(i) The Nominations and Elections Committee shall circulate to all regular members, at least five weeks prior to the date of the Annual Meeting, a request for nominations for President and a nominations form. Nominations will be open for one week. Any regular member can be nominated for President by two (2) regular members with his/her consent. The Nominations and Elections Committee may actively seek nominations.
(ii) The election for President shall be held at least three (3) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Ballots may be cast in person at the Association office or sent to the Association office. Ballots received by the end of the announced voting period shall be counted. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall count the ballots and within one working day make known the result to the members.
(iii) Election to the office of President shall be by preferential ballot. Voters will rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate is ranked first on a majority of ballots, the candidate receiving the fewest first choice votes shall be eliminated and his/her votes redistributed according to the second choice indicated on each ballot. This process shall continue until a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast and is declared elected.
9.2.4 Election of Executive Members:
(i) The Nominations and Elections Committee shall circulate to all regular members, within one working day following the election of the President, a request for nominations for the Executive and a nominations form. Nominations will be open for one week. Any regular member can be nominated for the Executive by two (2) regular members with his/her consent. The Nominations and
Elections Committee may actively seek nominations. Defeated candidates for President may be nominated.
(ii) The election for the Executive shall be held prior to the Annual Meeting. Ballots may be cast in person at the Association office or sent to the Association office. Ballots received by the end of the announced voting period shall be counted. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall count the ballots and within one working day make known the result to the members.
(iii) The election of the remaining members of the Executive shall be by plurality. Those candidates receiving the most votes shall be declared elected subject to Article 5.1 through the procedure immediately below. The candidate with the highest number of votes among candidates primarily employed at the Brantford campus shall be declared elected. The candidates with the highest number of votes from each of the bargaining units shall then be declared elected until three members of the Executive, including the Executive member primarily employed at Brantford, the President and the immediate Past President, come from each bargaining unit. The remaining members of the Executive shall be determined according to which candidates have received the largest number of votes without reference to location of employment or bargaining unit membership.
(iv) Should the number of candidates from either bargaining unit or the
Brantford campus not satisfy the requirements of Article 5.1, the candidates from the remaining unelected candidates with the highest number of votes shall be elected to the vacant positions.
9.3 The President-Elect shall call a meeting of the new Executive no later than July 1, at which time the various offices shall be assigned by agreement. Until this meeting takes place, the previous Executive shall be deemed to hold office.
9.4 If a member of the Executive is unable to complete his/her term, the Executive shall declare the position vacant and shall solicit nominations for the vacant position. Any regular member can be nominated for the vacant position with his/her consent by two regular members. An election for the vacant position shall be held at the next meeting of the Association.