The following e-mail is sent on behalf of Judy Bates.
This afternoon, WLUFA sent the attached letter to Dr. Blouw expressing our concerns with the IPRM initiative. WLUFA acknowledges that the University Administration is within its mandate to make administrative changes but these changes cannot affect the terms and conditions of Members’ work as these are set out in the Collective Agreements signed by both parties. WLUFA remains the sole bargaining agent of our Members and any attempts to change the terms and conditions of our work would have to be negotiated in collective bargaining. WLUFA has also expressed its concerns that academic decisions be made with appropriate collegial input in the form of open discussion at Senate.
WLUFA has requested observer status on all of the IPRM committees.
You may have received a e-mail from Jim Butler referring to a document related to the IPRM. Here is a link to the document for your information: 2012-2013_Institutional_Goals_&_Objectives
Judy Bates
President, WLUFA