16.4 Student/Faculty Ratio:
In recognition of the increased number of students and the increase in class sizes, the Parties agree to the following measures to monitor student/faculty ratios:
(a) The University shall maintain or improve upon a student/faculty ratio (FTE students to FTE faculty) of 25:1, as set out under of the Collective Agreement, as amended, for full-time faculty and full-time professional librarians;
(b) by June 1st each year, the University shall provide to the Association, a report on enrolment in courses taught by CAS Members. This report shall include:
(i) a report on intramural courses taught by CAS Members which includes the instructor’s name, the course number, enrolment and course weight, with a summary by term of the number of courses, number of students and average class size;
(ii) a report in a similar format for Online Learning courses taught by CAS Members;
(iii) a report in a similar format for off-campus courses taught by CAS Members;
(iv) a report on directed studies and thesis courses taught by CAS Members including the name of the instructor, the course number and course weight, and the student enrolment with a summary of the number of courses and the number
of students;
(v) a report for CAS Members who are Music Studio Instructors, Music Therapy Supervisors, and Music Coach-Accompanists, including the name of the instructor, the course number and course weight, and the student enrolment for
each CAS Member with a summary by term of the number of courses, number of students and average class size;
(vi) a report for CAS Members teaching tutorial or lab sections of courses including the name of the instructor, the course number, the total enrolment in the course, the number of tutorial/lab sections taught by each CAS Member, and an
enrolment equivalence based on the total number of students divided by the number of tutorial or lab sections.
(vii) a report for CAS Members providing field supervision in the Faculty of Education including the name of the instructor, and a summary of the total number of schools and students each Member was responsible for supervising.
This annual report, due June 1, shall include courses taught in the Spring, Fall and Winter terms of the previous fiscal year.