Tentative Agreement

Greetings, On behalf of Judy Bates, WLUFA President, WLUFA announces that a tentative Agreement between the Part-time Bargaining Unit and the University was reached shortly after 3:00 a.m. this morning, June 16, 2011. Since most of WLUFA’s Part-time Bargaining Unit are off campus during the summer the ratification meeting and vote will be held in […]

WLUFA Prepares for Mediation

Mary Beth Furanna, a mediator with the province’s Dispute Resolution Services, will meet with the negotiating teams for WLUFA and the Administration on Wednesday, June 15th in an attempt to reach an agreement in the negotiations for Contract Academic Staff and Part-time Librarians. The teams have been meeting since September 2010 and spent four days […]


Edvantage is a rewards program created especially for the members of Ontario’s education community. Partners offer elite discounts and savings for the education community and their families throughout the entire province. Visit: http://notes.ocufa.on.ca/EdvantageReg.nsf/Enrollment%20Form?OpenForm to fill out an enrollment form.

CAUT – Owners of copyrighted material

There has been a good deal of controversy and conflicting advice regarding when copyrighted material may be copied without permission or payment to the copyright owner. CAUT is concerned that both users and owners of copyrighted material are treated fairly. To that end, CAUT has prepared the attached document: Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted […]

From the Negotiating Team

The following message is sent on behalf of Judy Bates, WLUFA President: From the Negotiating Team: The WLUFA negotiating team has met with the Administration in conciliation on three occasions, most recently on Thursday April 28. These efforts have failed to reach a settlement. WLUFA has proposed taking the remaining outstanding items to mediation-arbitration and […]

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