Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Material


In April 2011, CAUT released a document entitled Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Material. Since that time the Parliament of Canada has amended the Copyright Act, adding important new rights for the education community. Additionally, in December 2012 the Supreme Court of Canada handed down a series of copyright decisions — decisions that again powerfully benefit our sector.

To reflect these developments, CAUT has substantially revised the original document. Copies of the new Guidelines are attached and are available online at:

The Guidelines explain the copying rights enjoyed by academic staff and provide direction on their lawful exercise. Please bring them to the attention of your institution’s Head Librarian, Copyright Officer as well as your membership.

If you have any questions about the Guidelines, please feel free to contact Paul Jones at (613) 820-2270 ext.181 or by email: [email protected].



James L. Turk // Executive Director / Directeur général // Canadian Association of University Teachers / Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université // 2705 promenade Queensview Drive / Ottawa, (Ontario) / K2B 8K2 // tél 613.726-5176 / téléc 613.820-7244 / mobile 613.277-0488 / [email protected] / twitter @jameslturk

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