Posted on behalf of Kimberly Ellis-Hale, Contract Faculty Liaison.

As a follow-up to the syllabus addition suggestion posted on the 7th, please note that according to our Collective Agreement (see below), Contract Faculty are required to submit a copy of their syllabi to their departments during the first week of class.
And while our Collective Agreement indicates that it should be submitted electronically as a PDF, it must be accessible, so providing an Word document instead may be necessary.
Training sessions for making accessible documents are being offered on the following days:
- Tuesday, December 13 – Waterloo | 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in R270
- Tuesday, December 13 – Waterloo | 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in R270
- Tuesday, December 20 – Brantford | 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in GRH106
From Article 16 of the 2013-2016 part-time collective agreement:
16.1.2 The duties and responsibilities of Part-time Contract Academic Staff are:
(c) to provide students with a course outline during the first week of classes, with an electronic copy in Portable Document Format (pdf) to the Chair or Dean as appropriate. The outline shall include at least the following information:
(i) the name, office address, office telephone number, and weekly office hours of the Member;
(ii) the subject matter to be explored in the course;
(iii) textbook and course material requirements;
(iv) a list of all required assignments and examinations, and the relative weight of assignments and examinations in the final assessment of student performance;