WLUFA Workshop: COVID-19 and Compassion Fatigue: Caring for Ourselves as We Care for Others

Sent on behalf of the WLUFA Executive Committee:

The results of the WLUFA survey that was conducted in the fall showed that you, our members, have been heavily impacted by COVID-19 and the shift to remote work.

As a follow-up, we have arranged to have two of our Faculty of Social Work members customize a workshop for our members that will address COVID-19 and compassion fatigue, an experience that many of our members have described as negatively impacting their health and well-being. Please see below for an abstract of the workshop and short bios of the presenters.

Workshop: COVID-19 and Compassion Fatigue: Caring for Ourselves as We Care for Others

Compassion fatigue is often part of our experiences when we are working with, mentoring and supporting others.  Taking care of ourselves as we do this is often an afterthought. This workshop will provide an opportunity to shift a lens. As we examine the increased demands on us, both professionally and personally, as a result of the ongoing pandemic, we will discuss strategies to support our health and well-being. Our goal is that you will leave the workshop feeling supported, validated and more resourced as you head into the winter and spring terms.

Sue Gallagher MSW RSW and Sandy Jardine MSW RSW:

Sue and Sandy are both clinical social workers living and practicing in Waterloo Region. Both are Laurier Faculty of Social Work alumni and contract faculty at WLU and various other universities. Their shared passion is understanding the impact of personal and professional trauma and stressors on those working with people; issues being magnified during the ongoing pandemic. In that capacity, Sue and Sandy have delivered many workshops to staff, mentors and leaders on the topic of ‘Compassion Fatigue’ and always end up taking away as much as they share.

The same workshop will be offered via Zoom on two dates in order to maximize your ability to participate. Registration is not required, and we hope you will be able to take advantage of this support and resource.  Please see the details and Zoom links for both meetings below. 

Thursday January 28th | 9:30am-12:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 890 1907 0181

Passcode: 134987

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Meeting ID: 890 1907 0181

Passcode: 134987

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kOrokwj8r

Wednesday February 3rd | 12:00-3:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 823 4659 9813

Passcode: 776178

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        +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 823 4659 9813

Passcode: 776178

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kercDRGYOE

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