The “Full-Time Faculty and Professional Librarians” turn for collective agreement re-negotiation

The “Full-Time Faculty and Professional Librarians” Collective Agreement is up for re-negotiation this spring, giving us a fresh opportunity to work together to solve our collective problems and secure better working conditions for the members of this bargaining unit. A survey has been distributed by email to these members to start the process of determining […]

OCUFA’s recommendations for the Ontario budget

[Copied from email sent by Mark Rosenfeld, Executive Director of OCUFA.] See OCUFA’s 2017 pre-budget submission, which sets out OCUFA’s priorities for the Ontario Budget. OCUFA’s recommendations include: Increasing per-student funding for Ontario’s universities to match the average for the rest of Canada; Making a commitment to supporting faculty renewal, including full-time faculty hiring that […]

Sexual Violence on Campus: “Academic Matters” and Resources

[Posted on behalf of WLUFA Executive.] While some of you may have already received a hard copy of Academic Matters Winter 2017 issue, the WLUFA Executive feels that its subject matter, “Sexual Violence on Campus”, and its connection to the growing body of work being done by our own members, merits our bringing it into […]

A conciliator has been appointed

The Ontario Ministry of Labour has appointed Greg Long as a conciliator to assist your Negotiating Team and the Administration in reaching a settlement. This is a consequence of the Administration filing for conciliation. Conciliation is scheduled for December 14th, with the possibility of additional dates depending on progress. Negotiations are continuing in the meantime. […]

Want to know what happened at the UFC meeting on the 14th?

A faculty member who attended wrote this about the University Faculty Council meeting held on Monday, 11 November, 2016: Dear Colleagues, I’m writing with a report on the University Faculty Council meeting held earlier this week. Because fewer than 70 faculty members and librarians attended, we did not make quorum and thus could not advance […]

Demand better governance! Stand for students’ academic welfare!

(Posted on behalf of Kimberly Ellis-Hale, Communications Director & CF Liaison.) University Faculty Council Meeting November 14, 2016 / 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Senate & Board Chamber (Waterloo); By video conference to RCW 324 (Brantford) The University Faculty Council (UFC) is the ONLY governance body where EVERY faculty member – including Contract Faculty – and […]

Laurier admin has filed for conciliation and WLUFA’s letter to other associations

(Posted on behalf of Michele Kramer, WLUFA President.) Dear Colleagues, The message below has been circulated to faculty associations across the country. It offers an overview of the state of our current Contract Faculty negotiations and the issues that are keeping the Parties apart at the table. Please note that, since this message was sent […]

Support for Contract Faculty

While many of us may be tired from working at the various Contract Faculty information tables over the last month, we have been fortified! We have spoken with students, staff and faculty on both campuses that support Contract Faculty in their fight for fair compensation, access to benefits and job security. Here are just a […]

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